** Please Note**
I have put a lot of thought and consideration into my words for this blog.
I pour out my heart and soul for you to read, learn and share about the ongoings in my families life.
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Thank you all for taking the time to read, learn and share my blog I really appreciate the compliments too and love knowing that I am reaching people near and far. I hope that you continue to enjoy my blog.


Monday, 6 May 2013

Sentimentality vs Hoarding!

I have a confession to make.

My name is Kristy and I am a huge sentimentalist and I'm afraid it may be verging on hoarding.

We all have those cupboards or doors that barely close because of the stuff that gets shoved in there just because you can't bare to get rid of it, just in case you need it or because it holds a special memory. Well I'm hoping you all do! Please don't tell me I'm the only one.

I have to say that I have inherited it from my father and sadly one of my children seems to be going the same way. I'm not too bad, I think I have become better at getting rid of things that I no longer use but there are just some things that are too hard to get rid of.

The toughest is the baby things. I have managed to get rid of some baby items that we no longer need as we have finished our family. Although I had to fight that little pang of 'what if you need it' and the even worse ones of 'all the kids used this' as those moments frozen in time flash through my mind, as I'm handing it over, knowing that it is going to a well loved home.

Hubby just this week asked what we were doing with the high chair as at the moment it just sits in the garage in pieces. I got upset and cranky and couldn't deal with making a decision on what to do with it as that means that that chapter is closed and that is the part that makes it hard. It's the sentimental thing that all three kids have sat in that chair, eaten in that chair, fallen asleep while in that chair and made huge messes in that chair. I know things don't hold the memories, my mind does but to give away the big items like that means that there would be a big fight with those panicky pesky pangs!

Also the kids art! Boy does that get out of control. I used to have boxes for each child and kept my favourite crafty creations until that spiralled out of control and the boxes were overflowing. Now we have an art gallery were we can hang the best pictures until they get filed into the big green filing cabinet, otherwise known as the wheelie bin. All done secretly of course because if they the kids saw me I'd be in big strife. There was a good idea I had heard about taking a photo of the art them collating them all together and printing out a photo book. But then what do you do with all the photo books.

Where does it stop?

Please tell me I'm not alone in this mind of sentimentality and that everyone has those treasured every day items that you can't bear to part with, or the onesies so we can really remember how little the little ones were, or even just some of the everyday stuff that you might just need one day!


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