** Please Note**
I have put a lot of thought and consideration into my words for this blog.
I pour out my heart and soul for you to read, learn and share about the ongoings in my families life.
I love that you like to share my words and blog so all I ask in return is that if you use my words, parts of my blog or entire posts to share via social media or anywhere that you give me a shout out and acknowledge that you are using MY words and maybe even include a link to the blog.
Thank you all for taking the time to read, learn and share my blog I really appreciate the compliments too and love knowing that I am reaching people near and far. I hope that you continue to enjoy my blog.


Sunday, 23 February 2014

Letter N ( A to Z of CF 2014)

N stands for network. 

We are lucky to have a great network of friends who are very supportive. We like to think of them as being on our team in this fight. 

There are our 'salty' friends who feel like family as they are also CF parents and are more sympathetic then others as they feel our pain and share our torture. We make time for each other and help each other, giving and sharing and asking for advice, tips and sometimes just a shoulder to lean on. 

Hubby and I are lucky that we have made a great relationship with some very lovely friends who also share our pain, torture and wins. They are always there for us at the drop at a hat and we know that we can rely on them to provide some wise words of wisdom and be a sounding board. 

It's very important to have this network as we need them to prop us up from time to time when things rough. We thank our team, as much as we can but we feel it's never enough for all that they do for us.  


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